
Save chat conversations facebook

Chat Facebook cross and delight of the social network for half a billion users: always remains open in the workplace and precious hours door-way, rumor is seamless but is very thin and limited in functionality. Not to mention when it crashes.Chat History Manager is a Firefox add-on for Internet browser that saves and makes available more messages and the history of chat either online or when offline. 'S true, is sometimes a bit' unstable, however, an option so light and functional (as well as free, of course), you can do a little thought. 

Can be found on  
For those who want to direct a sort of messenger from the desktop to a more comfortable and to save the histories and conversations automatically or manually, we have good chitchat that you download for free from / english / home /. 
And what solution you used to save history of conversations and chat Facebook?  How can you save conversations and chat histories of Facebook? The solution is simple, there is an add-on to install the Firefox browser and a chat software that brings the desktop just like a normal Messenger as that of Microsoft.
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